Sales Manager
Marco Benvenuto
Customer care
Vanessa Giannetti
Patrizia Morabito
Orders & shipments
Laura Benvenuto
Technical assistance
Marco  Benvenuto
Bruno de Vicariis
Headquarter (ROME)
Via Aurelia 424 - 00165 - Rome
Tel +39.06.6622432    Fax +39.06.6632956

working time : from 08:30 to 13:00 and from 14:00 to 18:00
Branch office (MILAN)
Via Ghisalba 13 - 20021 - Bollate (MI)
Tel +39.02.38303011    Fax +39.02.38303109

working time : from 08:30 to 13:00 and from 14:00 to 17:30

Sales Manager
Massimo Bergamaschi
Customer care
Matilde Sioli
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2B Elettronica s.r.l.  · Via Aurelia 424 · 0165 · Rome (Italy) · VAT IT 01154881005
your partner for your goals